Wednesday, December 14, 2011

my sweet kate

After seven weeks of my mister being away, I'm decided.  I like my life lots better when we're together.  Really, I like my life either way, but let's face it.  It's a gazillion times nicer the together way.

Last night was one of those nights.  Enough said.  Anyhow, I was dragging myself through the cleaning-up-before-I-head-to-bed phase, when Kate came out of her bedroom and asked, "Mom, what can I do to help?"  I don't think there are another seven words in the English language that could have meant as much to me as those seven did last night. 

I thought about last week when I was tired and trying to settle everyone down for bedtime.  I didn't feel too sad, but had to put on my "I mean business" hat (if you know what I mean).  Pretty soon I heard Kate in her room, sobbing.  (You've never heard heart wrenching until you've heard Kate cry.  She cries with all her heart.)  It took me a while to get her to explain her sadness, but she finally let it out.  Throwing her arms around my waist, she cried, "Mom, I just can't stand it when you're sad." 

What a sweet, sweet girl.

I think I'll think of her kindness all day today.  Armed with those memories and a morning bit of chocolate, I think we're going to make it. 

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