Sunday, June 27, 2010

come join the fun this summer!

Parents everywhere! 
Fighting summer boredom?  Tired of the same old day camps and lazy afternoons? 

We've got the answer! 

The W family is now accepting registration for
our annual
Child Summer Labor Camps! 
A surefire way to make your children appreciate those boring ol' summer days.  Featuring painting, scrubbing, sweeping, and general housekeeping. 

By the end of the camp your children will be adept at vacuuming, weeding, mowing, and a myriad of other skills.  As an added bonus, we can guarantee an increased repertoire of communication methods, not limited to but including bargaining, whining, and pleading.  Campers are sure to gain a better understanding of the restitution process and will graduate with the confidence in knowing that they have survived the most difficult and miserable of conditions and have emerged a stronger person.  What a better way to instill confidence and prepare them for a lifetime of challenges? 

In addition, camp participants are sure to become familiar with the ins and outs of filing a formal complaint. 
Past participants list painting and taking down the Christmas lights (yes, in June) as favorites.  Less popular activities tend to include lawn mowing and vacuuming.  

*While camp attendees report some disenchantment with the seemingly unfair expectations, we will not be dissuaded. It is sometimes perceived that the camp workers are teetering on the edge of exhaustion at having to do all the work whilst the camp counselors enjoy an easy routine of bubble baths and Bon-Bons.   However!   We will not let up in our efforts.  After all, no price is too high if we are to properly train our children to pull their own weight so that we parents may finally get that much needed break. 

 Interested persons may contact Kelly and Courtney for more information.
No job is too big for our slave work program!!!!

A lazy parent does everything themselves!
One day your children will thank you!*

*this claim cannot be guaranteed.


  1. Such a fun post Kelly... made me laugh. I'm sending Caroline to camp for sure!

  2. Kelly, I have enjoyed reading your blog!!! Can I send my 3 kids over? I just wanted to tell you that I came across your blog a couple of days ago, which ended up being perfect timing on my part. Carson lost his job back at the end of November, since he didn't have a job he moved out to Kentucky 10 weeks ago to sell alarms. Many days and also many times out of a day I want to have a pitty party on myself, but I have to say I loved reading your blog and all of your wonderful wisdom. It has helped me feel like I need to be more positive and try harder in the parenting department! Thank you thank you and thank you! Courtney Callister

    P.s. my blog is private, but if you would like an invite so you don't just feel like I am stalking you then email me your email
