Sunday, June 27, 2010

schools out, june is almost over, and i'm already crying. . .all in one post

It's already July, and I am just barely taking a long enough breath to document the last day of school.  Where did June go?  I love summer.  I love the freedom and love having the girls around.  But really?  Where did June go?  

We had a fun last day of school.  Kate participated in the school talent show with her gymnastic floor routine.  As I was sitting in the audience, waiting for her to perform I got a bit nervous.  The past week had been really crazy and I hadn't even thought to let her practice on the school stage, which is much different than the layout of the mat where she usually does her routine.  Turns out, I didn't even need to worry.  Despite a small mix-up with the music, Kate was fabulous!  She did the best I have ever seen and didn't have a bit of a problem.  Good for you Kate! 

After school, the girls posed for our annual last-day-of-school picture with their teacher.  Looks to me like we've grown a bit!  Another year of fabulous teachers! 
Each year on the last day of school we ride our bikes the 3+ miles to school.  We were a little worried the weather wouldn't cooperate, but it all worked out marvelously.  When someone mentioned to one of the girls that it might not be a good idea to ride this year, she answered, "We are going to do it.  We are women!"  This year Kate had a big-girl bike and was determined not to be left behind by the older gals.  Sure enough, she was head of the pack.  After school, we headed to the park to play and have a picnic before riding home. 

I can't ever decide who's more excited for the summer break, the girls or me.  I'm already dragging my feet for September and wondering how much we can pack into the next two months.  After all, this fall Emmy will join the school crowd.  Eeek

It's not even July yet and I already feel like crying. 

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