Monday, April 20, 2009

"hoppy" birthday ryenne!

Ryenne, you were so excited that your birthday fell on Easter this year! But your Daddy and I are having a hard time with the fact that our baby girl is 9 years old. Where has the time gone?

You are becoming such a beautiful, kind girl. We have loved watching you grow and interact with all of the beautiful things in your world. You have always had a special knack for capturing and enjoying beauty in everything around you. We hope you will always continue to take time for nature and to enjoy the many wonders Heavenly Father has created for you. You are your very happiest when you are outside, smelling the flowers and chasing butterflies. And did you know that some of our happiest moments are watching you? We love you so much!

For your cake, you appropriately chose an Easter bunny cake. We thought it turned out pretty cute! For your birthday, your Dad thought you would love some things for gardening. You were given gardening boots, gloves, and a hook to hang a flower basket outside your window. We can't wait to see the beautful flowers you pick out! Grandma and Grandpa C gave you a beautiful hummingbird feeder to hang on the hook so you can watch the birds right outside your window!

Grandma and Grandpa J gave you the cutest outfit for Spring, and guess what? It was even pink! And you have loved the "Operation" game Grandma T and Grandpa L gave you!

Emmy was so excited to give you one of her favorite bears. She wrapped it up just for you!

And even the Easter Bunny had to wish you a Happy Birthday! He left a note hiding in your basket!
Lucky for you, all the cousins came to play and eat dinner before heading to Grandma C and Bop's house for the Croney cousin Easter hunt. You were so excited to have them come you spent hours cleaning your room and making it look just right! You also pitched in and spent the morning tidying up the house so they could come. (The Easter morning festivities had created quite the mess!)
Ryenne, we sure love you. Thank you for the big help you are around the house and with your sisters. We know that we sometimes expect a lot from you since you are the oldest. Thank you for being patient with us and for always trying to do what is right and be a good example for Emmy, Kate, and Claire.
Our little Ryenne Ashleigh, you will always have a special place in our hearts.
Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

  1. You might not want to hear this, but she is looking older! I can start to imagine what she'll look like all grown up! Such a beautiful girl! Wow! Time flies!
    Happy late birthday Ryenne!
