Sunday, April 19, 2009


Well, another Easter has come and gone. We are, of course, happy to note that the Easter Bunny has not been hit by the recession. Therefore, there was plenty of candy to go around. (And some to spare!)
Saturday we headed to Fielding bright and early for the annual Fielding Easter hunt. As always, the kids had a great time. What's not to love when there is candy and cousins combined in an all day affair?

Following the town hunt, we gathered at Grandpa and Grandma J for their Easter egg hunt. Ready, set, go!The kids each found their special, sparkly egg with their very own $1.o0! Then, even the parents got to hunt (wrestle) for their sparkly $5.00 egg. What a deal!
Easter hunting, uncle style. . .
All that Easter egg hunting wore Grandma and Claire right out.
Saturday night we had a great time with the other W girls coloring Easter eggs.
Easter Morning the girls found a houseful of booty left by the infamous Easter bunny.
[Note to bunny: the baskets were found much too easily. Please be a bit trickier next year.]

The most sickening part was when Courtney weighed Kate's basket, which tipped the scales at more than 7 lbs. Now that's a lot of hyperactivity waiting to happen.

Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate. What a lovely holiday.

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