Monday, April 20, 2009

single moms

I've come to a conclusion. Single moms deserve a halo.

Courtney has been gone every week but one since the first part of February. I've lost track of how many weeks that is, but it stinks. I don't like this arrangement at all. I know this sounds like I'm just feeling sorry for myself (and I am), but it reinforces something I've thought many, many times. Single moms (or dads, for that matter) have a really tough job.

I get to look forward to Saturday and Sunday. And believe me, I do. It's not long enough for my liking, but it is the brightest spot of my week. I like having him around. Don't get me wrong, I love my little people. But it's sure nice having a cute boy in the house. I laugh more when he's here, and life in general seems a little more manageable. I've thought many, many times how difficult and overwhelming it would feel to really be doing this on my own.

I give a gigantic hats off and a fervent prayer for single parents. They've got a tough job.

PS. I have to give another shout-out. A few months ago, a friend recommended a CD called "Miracle Music", which helps tackle the morning/evening routines. It's been a great thing for me. It comes with 2 separate CD's filled with music and instructions for both a morning schedule, and an evening schedule. For example, the morning music wakes them up, has them make their beds, get dressed, hair done, teeth brushed, eat, clear dishes, and do an act of kindness (which is any little chore I assign them). The music is great, and the kids really move. It's taken so much of the nagging out of getting everyone ready for the day and the house is staying much tidier. We don't do it everyday, but I really have liked it. If you're interested, the website is I'm sure you could make your own, but I liked that it wasn't my voice and I just didn't have the time to put something together. Anyway, it's made my life easier!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly! Thanks for leaving a comment on Pixie Dust. I must admit that I frequent your blog too! Your posts always make me happy, and they make me want to try harder at being a "good" mom.
