Thursday, March 5, 2009

a good day after all

Today I. . .
Got a ticket.
Ruined my cell phone when I let Claire play with it. Not a good idea, I guess. It's now sitting in a bucket of rice because someone said that would help.
Almost cried a few times because I miss Courtney so much. I was sad because he was gone last week. And he'll be gone the next. I was feeling sorry for myself.
Was a bit too uptight about our messy house and chaos. I spoke unkindly a few times.
Which almost made me cry again.

But now the house is quiet and I'm thinking about my day.
Here's what I remember. . .
Dancing with Emmy and Claire this morning.
Laughing with Emmy on my bed when I asked her if she could hug me forever.
Going with Kate for pie for "Kate Day". She was so thrilled and talked non-stop. I loved listening to her over banana cream pie and brownie sundaes.
Being thankful my mom watched the girls so I could take Kate out.
Feeling OVERJOYED to see that she (my mom) had inspired Emmy to clean her room when I haven't been able to all week. (The things Grandmas can do.)
Having a clean kitchen to wake up to. (I'm doing better).
The girls and I dancing with our sparklers on the front porch. Giggles. Magic.

And the day seems much better.

Just goes to show. . .it wasn't too bad of a day, after all.

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