Thursday, March 5, 2009

my little g.i. girl

So, I'm thinking that maybe Emmy will one day become a gastrointestinal specialist. That's an awesome thought. This comes because I have realized that she is a wee bit (no pun intended) obsessed with what is inside of Claire's diapers. If I am changing one and she finds out, she must see what is inside. Drops everything to do so. Is that weird?

Having been to a GI specialist a time or two herself, perhaps she has an interest in such things? Plus, she is the only four year old I know who's had a colonoscopy. Maybe it's fate.

Is there a therapy/playgroup for such things?

1 comment:

  1. that's too funny! Griffin and I had a talk today about how our bodies make poop... maybe it's something about this time of year that leads to discussions on human waste? HA!
    Why did Emmy have to have a colonoscopy? I'm sure it wasn't just for her own curiosity.
