Thursday, March 5, 2009

"those most important things . . ."

"This is our one and only chance at mortal life-

here and now.

The longer we live,

the greater is our realization that it is brief.

I believe that among the greatest lessons

we are to learn in

this short sojourn upon the earth

are lessons that help us distinguish

between what is

important and what is not.

I plead with you to not let those

most important things

pass you by. . ."

President Monson

(I needed a reminder today.)


  1. Sounds like you had a day like I had yesterday ;) I loved the quote! I think I needed that too. :)

  2. You helped me by writing the words of Pres. Monson & your cute pictures. I'm sure Courtney is missing you guys even more. Miss you Jen

  3. What a fabulous reminder. I love the pictures! They convey the message perfectly!

  4. I absolutely love to read your blog Kelly. You are an awesome writer.
