Saturday, February 5, 2011

island park number two

Instead of exchanging gifts for Christmas this year, my family decided to continue the tradition Grandma and Bop started last year- a winter family reunion in Island Park.  Amazingly enough, they found a cabin that sleeps our entire family!  Complete with a hot tub, a game room, and triple decker bunk beds for the kids- it's a perfect place for our bunch to spend a few winter days. 

This year was great for relaxing.  With the kids entertained by their cousins, we adults pretty much spent the three days vegged out on the couch.  In fact, I'm not sure I moved the entire weekend.  Quite a feat, eh?  We were so relaxed, in fact, that each time we saw the kids running by on the deck in their swimming suits, the most we could muster up is reaching for our cameras to snap a picture.  We're really good parents like that.

There was quite a bit of card playing had by all, with SCUM being the game of the hour.  Even Miss Daisy and Claire had themselves some fun. 

There were crafts by Aunt Andrea, of course.

And some funny one-minute-games. . .

 . . .cousins to play with. . .and plenty of snow to play in!

Until next year, Island Park.  We can't wait to see you again!

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