Saturday, February 5, 2011

island park number one

Thanks to the hospitality of our good friends, the Hurd family, a favorite New Year tradition is going to Island Park.  A few days before the big day, we loaded up some happy but tired girls and headed north. 

The girls love going to Island Park to celebrate the New Years.  And I have to say, I can't blame them.  After all, what is there not to love?  A gazillion girls to play with, a beautiful cabin to play in, and all the snow a kid could want!  The girls (and me, I'll admit) stay in their pj's all day long, throwing on their snow clothes over their jammies when it's time to go outside. 

 And when they come back in?  Snacks and hot chocolate all around.  I tell you- it just doesn't get better!

 As you can see, there is no shortage of girls.  Our four girls, plus three Hurd girls (poor Aiden doesn't stand a chance), and the three Bingham girls (although we missed Emily this year) make for a lot of girl power!  The funniest thing happened when we went to church on Sunday  morning.  Courtney and I headed into the cultural hall first, followed by all nine girls.  I don't know where the other parents were, but Courtney and I had to laugh as we saw a congregation full of heads bobbing as they counted all of "our" children.  I heard one boy tell his mom, "Mom!  That's a lot of girls!"

Now, lest this next picture arouse any suspicions, I have to explain that the boys are celebrating the New Year with sparkling APPLE cider!  With the whole crew of us having gone to high school together, you can bet there are a lot of stories from the "good ol' days".  Us old folks even made it up past midnight this year.  Barely, but we made it.

What a fun weekend!  Thanks to the Hurd family for letting us celebrate New Years in style!

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