Monday, November 2, 2009

fun with cousins

Aunt Jodi and the S boys invited all of the cousins to their house to spend a few days of UEA break. What a crazy, fun crew! Those of us who were able arrived Friday afternoon. Aunt Jodi whisked us away to Gardener Village to see the witches. It turned out to be "Wee Witches Weekend" and the kids had a great time participating in the festivities, especially the witch scavenger hunt. After the witches, we came back to Aunt Jodi's to eat some pizza and dip carmeled apples.

By this time, Aunt Kerri had arrived, and we all know that a party isn't complete with Aunt Kerri's night games! Even I joined the fun (I will do that if they begin before midnight!) When Steal the Flag became a little too noisy (and a little heated!) we headed in and settled the kids into the basement with a good movie.

Meanwhile, the ladies gathered around the kitchen table for some pumpkin decorating fun. (Wish I had pictures!) Aunt Jodi had found a fun idea to make patterns in the pumpkins with tape. Then you spray paint the pumpkin, remove the paint, and WaLa! . . . A darn cute pumpkin! Maybe it was the late hour, (more likely the gabbing) but our little project turned into a late night affair! Aunt Kelsey, Grams, Aunt Kerri, Jodi, Grandma C and I felt like crafty little party animals!

All in all we had a lovely time! The kids stayed up all night (lucky for them Moms were so busy we didn't act like responsible parents). By the time Saturday afternoon arrived, we headed North with tired kids, weary eyed mom, and cute pumpkins in tow.

Thanks Aunt Jodi and boys! You throw a great party!

some of the carmeled apple gang

As you can see. . .Claire was completely taken with the witches!

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