Monday, November 2, 2009

claire's busy life

Oh, how we love our Claire. She is growing so quickly and is such a bundle of busy, busy fun! Loved by everyone, it's always a race to see who can get Claire to sit by them in scripture time (for the .2 seconds that she'll sit, anyway). One of the most fun things about Claire right now is her social little personality. Anytime you walk into a room, she comes up to you and says, "Hiiiiiiiii!" It doesn't matter if it's been an hour or a week. . .she makes you feel like your the best thing she's seen all day!

Other than delighting us with her sparkling personality, Claire stays very busy. She can usually be found in the kitchen, where she finds great joy in making messes.

Messes. . . .

Messes. . .

. . .and more messes.

Lucky for her, she's such a darn good cook that we don't mind a bit.

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