Thursday, September 24, 2009

school days, school days. . .

Summer has come to an end (sigh), and it's back to school again. It's always hard for me to see the summer end. I just love the time we have for the girls to grow their imaginations and to just be kids! But, alas. . .I suppose we must grow our brains too.

We are so happy that the girls have fantastic teachers this year. We have always been lucky to get great teachers, and boy- do they make a difference!

We actually missed the official first day of school due to Grandpa Great's funeral. So, we took our traditional first day of school pictures on the second day instead!
Kate and Mrs. Rhees

Ryenne and Mrs. Wilkey (An interesting fact about Mrs. Wilkey is that she has 11 kids of her own!)
We're off and running toward another fantastic school year!

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