Wednesday, September 16, 2009

my little girl?

Tonight was my turn to drive Ryenne to ballet. When I went into the studio to get her, I could see Miss Frederick wasn't quite done with them. Seizing the chance to watch my little girl dance for a minute, I huddled onto the floor next to the sliding glass door trying to get a peak through the curtains.

Though my vision was limited, I could see the black leotards. Pink tights and graceful bodies moving across the floor to the music. My, they looked beautiful! Remembering that Ryenne is in a class with girls a few years older, I kept looking beyond these girls- trying to catch a glimpse of my little girl among the older, taller dancers.

The glare of the sun was making it even harder, but my eyes focused and settled on one particular girl. She was so beautiful and moved with such grace. Just as I was ready to look beyond her to find my Ryenne, she turned. My breath caught a little when I realized.

That beautiful, tall, and graceful ballerina I had been watching was my little girl.

One more reminder that she is growing all too quickly for the likes of me. I wondered at the girl I saw through the glass. Could that really be my Ryenne Ashleigh? In my mind, I still visualize her in pigtails and chubby cheeks.

The whole way home, I watched her in my rear view mirror. Laughing and giggling with the other girls, I loved the way she was so candid. So open and honest, not trying to impress. My heart was full of admiration for a girl who is quickly coming into her own.

Although this growing up business keeps taking me by surprise, I must admit.
I like what I see, Miss Ryenne.

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