Friday, January 4, 2008

A Perfect End to a Terrific Day!

Christmas afternoon we headed to Grandpa Lloyds for a fun visit, more presents,
and then to Grandma Jones for another great evening with the cousins.

The girls have so much fun with the cousins. As you can see, we aren't the only family with a flare for girls! The boys are quite outnumbered!
Emmy keeping Grandma-Great company.
Who are those kid's parents?

(We finally headed home about midnight! When Emmy crashes all by herself, you know she's had a big day!)


  1. Emmy has so many cute expressions!

  2. Hey Kelly-it's Tiffany Christensen. I miss seeing you and Emmy at music class. My boys are just way too crazy for that right now. Ay ay ay! Anyway, it looks like you guys have had great holidays and congrats on the new arrival. Post when you are due..
