Sunday, January 13, 2008

New Years in Island Park

We were so excited to go spend New Years' weekend in Island Park, Idaho with our friends! Jason and Trica Hurd invited us and some other friends from high school to their beautiful cabin. We all had a ball! The girls loved seeing so much snow- it was absolutely beautiful! And to top it off, they had 5 other girls to play with all weekend.
We had a great time playing in the snow. The girls even got to go for rides with Lexi on her little snowmobile- and managed to get stuck in a snowbank a time or two! We also did plenty of eating, and of course, chatting about the good old days. We decided we are getting old, because we actually rang in the new year reliving 1994. Unfortunately, Mom was a slacker picture taker and never really got any great pictures of all the action.
Here we are, all loaded up for the ride home. The girls were so sad to go, they even shed a few tears when it was time to head back for home. I was glad to hear Kate's comment though, when we walked back into our house after arriving home after the weekend. She sighed and exlaimed, "There's no place like home!" She's right. I guess sometimes a little getaway is a good reminder about how nice it feels to come home.

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