This is us. These are our kiddos. And life is teaching us that each day together is a time to be happy! Not to say that we spend each moment of each day bursting with the giggles. But at the end of the day, when we add up all the moments, it seems to be the giggly ones that stand out.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
my revised schedule
I've been struggling a little bit with my health, especially since Easter and so we've been trying once again to find a new normal. It's so hard to find a balance between doing the things that make me happy and not doing too much and getting too worn out. Still working on that! I laughed one morning though, when I woke up and found this schedule written on the blackboard- an attempt by the girls to help me cut back and get more rest! My favorite part is the "Please try for 1 day" part!
Ryenne had also made a sign for my door reminding everyone to stay out so I could get rest. I also found a text on my phone she sent to my good friend and walking partner to explain to her that I wasn't feeling well and asked her to not call me to go walking in the mornings. She knows how much I love it and don't like to say no, but that it wears me out- so she decided to take care of that on her own.
My family has been a lot more patient with the new me than I am with myself most of the time. So thankful they keep hanging in there with me while I figure all of this out!
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