This is us. These are our kiddos. And life is teaching us that each day together is a time to be happy! Not to say that we spend each moment of each day bursting with the giggles. But at the end of the day, when we add up all the moments, it seems to be the giggly ones that stand out.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
four months
Four months. I can't believe it.
What a time we've had. A year ago, we were just finding out 2011 would be bringing us a baby. Now, Mr. Samuel is here and the whole bunch of us are completely smitten. We're in love, through and through.
At four months, Samuel is a pretty happy guy. Actually, he's been that way from the beginning. In fact, he has a little split in his bottom lip (I'm not sure how it got there), and I can't get it to heal because he smiles so wide all the time it keeps it from healing. Grandma Jones says he is an "engaging baby", and says he just knows how to draw people in. When he smiles, we love how he smiles with his entire body! Sparkling eyes, big 'ol grin, and cheeks that make you want to squeeze him all over.
He's quite the guy.
Most of the time, he's pretty content to hang out. Unless he's hungry, that is! He takes his food seriously and his growth curve shows it. All my wishes that he'll stay a little baby foe as long as possible aren't coming true, but his cute little body and all it's accompanying rolls make it hard for me to be sad. Right now, he loves to lay on his little mat and swat at the toys hanging above. He hasn't yet made the move to roll over, but he is pretty observant with everything around him and thinks his exersaucer is pretty awesome. Most of all, he loves to be cuddled (and we love to comply!). He is happy to be sitting on one of his big sisters laps (Ryenne has taken to calling him her "little chunk of sweetness") or lay wrapped up in a blanket in mom or dad's arms. I laughed the other day when I walked into the kitchen to see him sitting on his daddy's lap looking at videos on the computer of some big drilling equipment. Samuel had both of his hands out on the edge of the desk and was leaning toward the computer like all the "quipment" (as his daddy used to say when he was a little man) was the coolest thing he's ever seen. I'm not sure which one of the boys was more enthralled. One thing is for sure, his Daddy can't wait to take him along on the job and show him how all those big rigs work!
It's confirmed. Our little Samuel is growing. . .out of his clothes and deeper into our hearts all the time. We love this little guy.
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