This is us. These are our kiddos. And life is teaching us that each day together is a time to be happy! Not to say that we spend each moment of each day bursting with the giggles. But at the end of the day, when we add up all the moments, it seems to be the giggly ones that stand out.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
my sweet kate
After seven weeks of my mister being away, I'm decided. I like my life lots better when we're together. Really, I like my life either way, but let's face it. It's a gazillion times nicer the together way.
Last night was one of those nights. Enough said. Anyhow, I was dragging myself through the cleaning-up-before-I-head-to-bed phase, when Kate came out of her bedroom and asked, "Mom, what can I do to help?" I don't think there are another seven words in the English language that could have meant as much to me as those seven did last night.
I thought about last week when I was tired and trying to settle everyone down for bedtime. I didn't feel too sad, but had to put on my "I mean business" hat (if you know what I mean). Pretty soon I heard Kate in her room, sobbing. (You've never heard heart wrenching until you've heard Kate cry. She cries with all her heart.) It took me a while to get her to explain her sadness, but she finally let it out. Throwing her arms around my waist, she cried, "Mom, I just can't stand it when you're sad."
What a sweet, sweet girl.
I think I'll think of her kindness all day today. Armed with those memories and a morning bit of chocolate, I think we're going to make it.
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