Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Two Months Old!

I took Claire for her two month appointment yesterday. She's doing great! She weighed in at 11 lb, 9 oz and was 22.5 inches long! She had to get her shots too. Yuck. Emmy had to get her kindergarten shots too, and she was a trooper. Five shots in one sitting! Dr. Brown asked if we wanted to do it all at once or do a few yesterday and the rest in a few months. She told him, "Let's just get it over with." She was really brave, but has been limping around like an "old granny" ever since!

We can't believe how fast Claire is growing and changing. We just love her so much and can't get enough of her smiles. She is such a sweet little baby and is so calm and happy all the time. We can't imagine what we ever did without her.

1 comment:

  1. Oh she's just sooo dang cute, love those chubbie cheeks, she's a growing!! Poor Emmy.. hope she's doing better ;)
