Claire is now 4 days old and still hanging in there. She's a little fighter! The NICU nurses laugh that they are not going to start out the day by announcing a plan for what they'd like to see happen, because whenever she hears it, she does the opposite just to show them who's in charge. She likes to be the boss!
Claire is still needing a lot of oxygen, and attempts to wean her levels down haven't been successful so far. There are other good things happening, though. She was able to go off antibiotics yesterday. She has also tolerated her tube feedings well. She's thinks she's ready for more food, but can't keep her breathing rate down low enough. Hopefully soon. She spent yesterday and probably today again under the bili lights to help with jaundice.
She had her first bath last night, and I was able to help bathe her, which was so fun. I try to hang close just in case there is a chance I can hold her or help do something. The nurses have been fantastic.
Overall, it's just a waiting game and I'm trying to be patient. The doctor told me yesterday that it's like watching the grass grow. If you sit outside and watch it, you don't really see it growing, but when Saturday comes, it still needs to be mowed. So I'm trying to catch the little victories and am just thankful she's doing as well as she is. I find out a bit more each day how scary it really was those first 3 or 4 hours and I'm just feeling so thankful and humble we have her with us still.
No pictures yet, for some reason I can't get them to post here. She's pretty cute though! We'll work on the pictures. . .thanks for all the prayers.
Thanks for posting, I'm anxious to hear updates. We hope things get better soon! Love you.
ReplyDeleteOh Kelly! You don't know how badly I wish I could be there for you somehow! She sounds like an amazing little girl! Can you believe what she's accomplished already in her short little life! Hopefully the rest of her accomplishments will be a little easier on Mom and Dad's hearts! My love and prayers are with you!
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Sounds like little Claire is a fighter!!! Can't wait to see her.
ReplyDeleteYeah! Congrats. I'm so glad she's home and doing well.