Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Look What We Can Do!

Well, another school year has come and gone. Seems like they're growing up a bit too fast for my liking! With the end of school comes an array of programs, recitals, etc. to show off everything the kids have learned over the past year. Each time I go to these events, I'm so excited to see them and how they've grown. Yet, another part of me wants to cry because of how they've grown. I can't seem to slow it down! Anyway, here is a glimpse at some of the fun moments we caught as the girls strutted their stuff, marking the end of another great school year.

Ryenne's Ballet & Tap Recital

Ryenne finished her third year of ballet & tap. She really progressed this year and developed some pretty fast feet! We had so much fun watching her perform at her recital. She's come a long way. . .her first performance three years ago, she broke out in tears and refused to perform. This year she looked so confident and at ease on the stage (even though she said she was pretty scared!) We were so proud of her for sticking with something that is hard for her to do!
Ryenne even signed up to perform in her school talent show. She and one other girl from her class, Meghan Ipsen performed their tap dance in front of the entire student body and parents. They did awesome! Ryenne told me after she was so scared that she was worried she wouldn't even be able to bend over- but we couldn't even tell! It was pretty cute!

Kate's Gymnastic Performance

Kate loved gymnastics at The Peak this year. For the first 2 or 3 months, she was lucky enough to be the only one in her class! This was a great value for us - private lessons for a discount! Unfortunately of course, that couldn't last forever. She loved her teacher Kady and the had fun meeting the other girls as her class grew. Kady always commented about how strong Kate is and how determined she is to do things on her own. (Oh really? What a surprise. . .) Luckily for Kate, these traits do come in pretty handy in gymnastics!

Her end of the year performance was so much fun to watch. She had the cutest look on her face. She sucked in her cheeks and had this faraway gaze in her eyes each time she performed one of her routines. We loved watching her!

Way to go Kate!

Kate's Kindergarten program & graduation

Kindergarten is such a fun year! I can't believe Kate is moving on to 1st grade. She celebrated the end of the year with her class program and a graduation assembly. Very cute! They sang a bunch of songs- my favorite had to be "A Mud Puddle Jumped on Me!"

It was also amusing to watch Kate receive an official "diploma" announcing her graduation from Kindergarten! She was the first name called, and she sat on the stage just like this while she waited for the rest of her class to be announced! I loved it! Kate is her own gal! I sure hope she never loses that free spirit!

Kate and her friend Jenna, just relaxing on the playground after their big day!

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