Sunday, May 18, 2008

Important Life Lesson: Keep Your Cracks Covered

Last night, Grandma & Grandpa Croney took the girls to dinner while Courtney and I went on a date. They had a great time and were very impressed with their first trip to the Golden Corral. They especially liked the ice cream bar, where they had such a wide variety of toppings with which to "decorate" their ice cream. Kate figured out that it worked out best if she put her ice cream in one bowl and the toppings in another. This way, she explained, she could "decorate" her ice cream, eat the top off, decorate it again, and so on. That's my girl.

Grandpa Bop apparently told the girls that they ate enough that they shouldn't need to eat again for a week. This morning when Kate awoke to the smell of raspberry muffins (one of her favorites), she remembered his comment and told me with a touch of sorrow, "Grandpa says I don't need to eat for a whole week".

Anyway, at breakfast this morning, the girls were telling us about their exciting dinner. At one point in the conversation, Ryenne told us about a girl she saw who was wearing a "tank top dress". She then told us how the girl had "this much" (about 3 inches) of crack showing between these two big round things that were hanging out, too". She had the look that said "I know you know what I mean, but I can't say it." Courtney couldn't help but laugh. This made her a little embarrassed. All of this led to a quick, but well-timed father/daughter discussion on what Courtney called "Important Life Lesson's to Remember".

It was unanimous. Regardless of which big round things you are talking about (upstairs or downstairs), it is best to keep your cracks covered.


  1. That's a GREAT life lesson! But one that I have no trouble keeping: upstairs is non-existent, and downstairs is just not too cute, so I prefer it covered.

    Tell Kate I think she can starting eating again tomorrow.

  2. Oh, that is way too funny!!! I love lil girls!!!
