Wednesday, September 3, 2014

the backyard and slave labor

We checked yet another project off our list this Spring with the long anticipated redo of the backyard.  The grass has always been terrible back there (more weeds than grass), and we have been wanting to plant trees and rearrange everything.  We finally tackled it this spring.

It just so happened that the only day we could get sod was the last day of school, so you can bet how excited the kids were about laying sod to celebrate the beginning of summer vacation :).   We would never have got it done without the help of Uncle Darrell and Aunt Alyssa, who showed up without us even asking.  They helped us so much, and we were so thankful.

We didn't quite get it done, however, and so the following two Saturdays we put the girls to work.  They were awfully excited about it.  Sometimes it seems that there is nothing quite so, shall we say expensive as free labor.  As in, it ain't really free.  It causes me great emotional pain sometimes.

These girls have a very hard life.  As you can see, we work their fingers to the bone all. the. time.

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