Sunday, May 4, 2014

savannah, part two

Both Courtney and I agreed that the best part of our trip was not having any plans!  We laughed that we never really adjusted from our time zone and so we'd stay up super late and watch movies and then sleep in super late!  It is such a luxury to actually wake up when your body decides it's time!  We were never in a hurry, or on a schedule- ever.  It was so relaxing.

One afternoon we set out and ended up on River Street to find that we had come to town during the Savannah Music Festival.  We learned that the festival invites 15 (I think?) of the best high school jazz bands from around the country.  This particular afternoon, there were several of these bands playing in the public squares.  We just relaxed in the sunshine and listened to them groove (and of course, people watched because that's one of my favorite things!)  It was a lot of fun!

We stopped into one of the candy shops for a treat, and I had to take a picture of this sweatshirt.  I'm thinking we found our next Croney reunion t-shirt?

And then Courtney happened to spy this gem of a t-shirt and suggested it would be a great one for Claire. (Don't judge, it's a joke. She just likes herself a good tattoo.)

Another favorite part of our trip was a little road trip we took toward Charleston.  Just outside the city, is Drayton Hall, a plantation dating back to about 1730.  I'd read about it before our trip and thought it looked really great.  Most of the plantations in this area were burned at the end of the Civil War, but for some reason this home was left standing.  It has been preserved, not restored and so everything is actually original. Some might prefer seeing everything look like new, but we loved this!  We really are nerds for this kind of thing.

 (One of my favorite things in the house- the family's "growth chart" written in pencil on one of the door frames.  I loved that they even noted the growth of their favorite family dog!)

 The Slave Cemetery

 On our drive back to Savannah, we decided to drive through Beaufort, South Carolina, another place I'd read about.  We spent an hour or so riding around and walking past so many beautiful old homes.  We also spent quite a bit of time in the cemetery- does that make us extra wierd if we loved the cemeteries we found on this trip?  Probably.

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