Monday, September 2, 2013

twin lakes (and kate celebrates a birthday at the lake!)

In the olden days, when I was a little girl, my family used to go to Twin Lakes every summer.  Even better, our best family friends, the Rupp family would come along.  Some of my best memories growing up involve that little lake!  This year, we ended up planning our Croney family reunion at the same time as the Rupp reunion, so we were all at the Lake at the same time!  We weren't at neighboring sites, but we gathered one evening to visit, and wow!  We have turned out to be a pretty big group!
Kate celebrated her birthday while we were there, and she was so happy that her best pal Ashley was there (so fun since her mom and I were always Twin Lakes best buddies too!)  She and her cousin Jenna came to celebrate that evening with us and Kate was so happy!  Kate and Ashley are very different personalities, but really are like sisters.  They genuinely love each other and I love watching them together.

Sam and Abigail - look at those dirty faces!  I love this picture!
When we got home, Kate's cute friend Reagan had made this poster and left it on her bed for a suprise!  Kate was so excited!  So glad for sweet friends! 
 Happy Birthday Miss Kate.  We love you so much!  You are smart, kind, and thoughtful.  You are always the first one to tell me thank you, and are quick to say you are sorry when you have hurt my feelings.  I love you and everything you are!

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