Monday, November 12, 2012

emmy turns number eight!

We have a little tradition with the kiddos- when they turn eight years old they get to go on an all-day hot date with mom and dad.  Even better, they get to choose the activity!  It has been so much fun, and we have loved to see what the girls choose to do with us, because it tells so much about their personalities.  Ryenne decided to take us to the tulip festival and Kate chose rock climbing!
As it got closer to Emmy's big day, we had to laugh when she told my mom she was going to get her ears pierced for her "hot date".   We have told the girls they could get their ears pierced when they turn twelve (Ryenne decided not to).  But Miss Emmy, being our fashionista that she is has been pushing to have her ears pierced for quite some time.  So I had to give her a thumbs up for her creativity. . .when we reminded her of our twelve-year-old rule, she reminded us "You said I could do anything I wanted!" 
Being the softies that we are, we caved. 
After a yummy lunch date with just the three of us, we went to the mall for the highly anticipated ear-piercing.  She was a little nervous, but was happily surprised when it was in-and-done before she even had time to notice!  She was thrilled with the results!
After she was beautified, she chose to go to an indoor trampoline park.  Since mom wasn't feeling too hot, she and her dad had a great time bouncing, bouncing. . .and bouncing!
They tried to get some sympathy for all their  hard work by telling me they were too puckered out to smile for a picture!
After a stop for ice cream ('cuz that's always how mom and dad end their hot dates), we stopped at the newly finished Brigham City temple.  Emmy can always remember she got a temple for her eighth birthday!

Happy Birthday Skippy!  We LOVE you!

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