Sunday, March 11, 2012

a weekend in island park

 Wow.  I'm really behind. 

A few weeks into January, we spent a long weekend in Island Park with our good friends, the Hurd family.  Usually, we spend New Years celebrating with them, but this year I had to up and land myself in the hospital over Christmas break and so we didn't make it.  When I realized things weren't looking good, one of my first thoughts was, "My kids are going to kill me!"  They like nothing better than spending the New Year with their buddies!  Luckily they forgave me.  And what's more, we were invited to come a few weeks later!  Yay for good friends is what we say!

So.  We spent a terrific weekend playing in the snow, going sledding, and even fit in a trip to the swimming pool.  To be honest, I actually hung out in my p.j.'s all weekend while the menfolk took the kids sledding and played in the snow.  However, I did help chaperone the swimming trip!  And Tricia and I made donuts for the first time!  (See boys, we did do something other than spend the weekend drinking hot chocolate, wrapping up in blankets, and solving the world's problems through our hours of conversation!)

It's sure nice to have good friends.  (Even better when they live in a beeeeautiful place!) 

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