Wednesday, March 23, 2011

impulsive as it gets

Way back in January, Courtney had to go to Moab for a quick bid trip for work.  When he found out he'd have to go, he told me I ought to come with him.  Of course, it's never that easy to pick up in the middle of the week and leave the kiddos for a day or two, especially when that day or two begins tomorrow!  However, when Grandma C caught wind, she offered to take the kids.  Grandma and Grandpa J had already asked for a sleepover that weekend, so when all was said and done, we had three nights for a little getaway.  Not having done anything this impulsive for a looong time, I was feeling pretty sassy.  However, the next morning before we left, I found myself madly arranging carpooling, lessons, and the like and realized that it's impossible to be completely impulsive at this point in my life!  It was sure fun trying, though!

We took our time getting to Moab and spent the first evening reading a book in the car while Courtney measured, re-measured, computed figures and re-computed before submitting the bid.  It was nice to read and not have any "I ought to be doing something else" thoughts.  The next morning, we headed out for a hike.  Instead of heading to Canyonlands or Arches like normal, we ventured out a different direction and took a hike we hadn't heard of before.  I can't remember what the name of hike is, but it's north-east of Moab, and if you have a chance, you really should give it a whirl (I'm a fantastic good tour guide that way).  It was quiet, remote, and beautiful.  We had a great time. 

At the end of the hike was the coolest arch, (can't remember the name of that either- sorry!).  It reminded me of a smaller version of Rainbow Bridge at Lake Powell.  There was no one around, which made it even better.  We hiked right up to it, laid on our backs under the arch, and soaked up the sunshine the most perfectly blue sky.  What a great way to spend a day.

The third morning we reluctantly packed up and headed home, but since the girls were going to be staying at Grandma and Grandpa's house that evening, we had plenty of time.  After a good breakfast, we got on the road and Courtney asked me if there was anything I'd ever wanted to see between Moab and home.  "Actually,. . ." I said with a smile.  And so it was that I finally fulfilled a long time dream of driving through the historical district of Helper, Utah, a small mining town an hour or so north of Moab.  Every time we drive past that place I see the signs touting their famed Historical District, and I can't help but want to explore it a little.  Well, now there's one more check on my bucket list, I suppose.

Such a fun, impulsive little getaway we had.  I'm a sucker for a few days away with my best guy.  So babe, next time you have to make a quick little business trip to slickrock land?  I'm all over it. 

Except you'll have to give me a minute, please.  I'll have to run that by my babysitters.

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