Monday, March 14, 2011

disneyland. . . day four

When we arrived at the park on day number four, who should we see but the ever popular Mary Poppins!  The girls were more than happy to have a chance to chat with one of their favorite people.  Mary was very charming, of course, and quite surprised to see "four girls in one family!" (something we commonly hear).  She insisted that I must have a nanny, to which I (although I admit it sometimes sounds nice) insisted otherwise-  just a one woman show.   

That afternoon it was quite warm, and we told the girls we'd buy them a treat, which we hadn't done so far.  Emmy's eyes instantly lit up as she asked if cotton candy counted as a treat.  I loved this because this was one of the first of a few occasions where I could see that the girls had really been eyeing up something they'd seen during our days at the park, but they hadn't ever said anything, not wanting to beg.  Once we offered, it was funny to see how they definitely had something in mind! We told Emmy that yes indeed, cotton candy could count as a treat, and I don't think I've ever seen a gal so happy over the stuff.  She was pleased as punch with her purchase and happy to share with her sisters (who chose an ice cream cone instead).

Daddy was a real trooper, as this became a common way of travel in the afternoon when little feet started to get tired!


Daddy and Claire ran into these two rascals while the girls and I were getting soaked on the Grizzly Bear Run. 

That evening after supper, we headed back to the park, hoping to take advantage of the late hours to ride a few favorites in the dark.  Unfortunately, all of the rides the girls wanted to ride were closed because of the water show.  And even more unfortunate was the amount of people who must have had the same idea.  Shoulder to shoulder people, everywhere!  Earlier, we had guessed that many of the families with young children would have already headed home by that time, so things would clear out a little bit.  Wrong!  We were weaving along, trying to get through the crowds, when I commented to Courtney that I couldn't believe all the young families that still had their kids out this late at night.  Then we looked down at our (also very young) bunch and had a good chuckle when we realized we were part of that irresponsible group!  We couldn't believe the crowds, but ended up braving them anyway to get a seat for Fantasmic! (which the girls loved- this was about the only look they got at most of the princesses during our trip). 

That night Courtney and I had a good laugh on the shuttle when each one of the girls fell asleep.  I guess that meant we'd had enough fun for one day!

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