Sunday, January 30, 2011

welcome party

A few days after Christmas, we invited these handsome cousins to stay for a day or two.  The girls were, oh-so-excited.  So excited, in fact, that they spent the afternoon before the boy's big arrival making a gigantic welcome sign.   I had gone somewhere and came home to find creativity abounding and paint flying.  (I may or may not be a stinker about paint usage in our house, and may or may not have had to swallow my urge to damper all the fun when I saw the purple, orange, and green fingerprints through the house.)

We didn't arrive home with the much anticipated guests until late that evening, and the group excitedly headed for the playhouse for sleepover #1.  Unfortunately, spirits were so high that mean ol' mom and dad had to put the kibosh on the whole ordeal and bring the lot of 'em inside.  Even worse?  After several failed attempts, we split them up in oldest/youngest pairs.  Are we party poopers or what?  But, alas.  We aren't known as the Meanest Mom and Dad In the World for nothing.  The whole crew was asleep in nothing flat after the unfortunate separation.  Thanks to the much needed sleep (it was two days after Christmas, for heaven's sake!) the gang received that first night, the rest of the party went on without a hitch. 

Fun was had by all.  

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