Wednesday, January 5, 2011

christmas eve

Woke up early. 

Tried my best to keep children from bouncing through the ceiling.  (Remember that scene from Mary Poppins where they visit the quirky uncle who can't stop laughing and then they all get giggling so hard that they are literally bouncing off the ceiling?  That was us on Christmas Eve morning.)

Slave worked 'em all for an hour or two so Santa had tidy quarters whereupon he might leave his loveliness.

Loaded up and headed to the matinee, Tangled.  Love, love, loved it.  I even loved Claire climbing all. over. and bribing her to stay on my lap by saying (every two minutes), "Oh!  Santa's watching!"  Worked every time.  I also loved holding Ryenne's hand and sharing popcorn and the look of sheer joy on Kate's face (like she was going to laugh right out loud) as the movie ended. Took a picture in my mind so I wouldn't forget.

Went to the dollar store to buy white elephants and dollar gifts for the girls to exchange with cousins.  Found some good ones.  Went to the dirty, musty dollar store bathroom/cleaning closet three times in ten minutes because everyone had to go.  Everyone.  Glad they had a bathroom, even if it was super yucky.

Arrived at Grandma's house with all the cousins.  Hooray!

Yummy food.  Great company. 

Almost kicked all the uncles' pants in a rowdy game of Spoons (they all cheat).  Exchanged white elephant gifts, and our lives are now fulfilled.  Courtney and I received not one, but two handheld urinals.  Never know when you're gonna need one of those.

Dr. Stosich- sporting his new tattoo sleeve, sure to be a hit with all the patients. 

Shawn and his Cheetah Chatter bible.  Who knew?

All the other ladies get  a fancy new hat, and I end up with a urinal?  

We are all so happy when Ronnie was gifted his very own important visitor.  Buddy was not thrilled, however, and spent the rest of the night barking and growling at the special guest.  To Mr. President:  I regret to inform you that you will not be receiving Buddy's vote during the next election.

Lovely nativity (as always). 

Christmas PJ's!  Everyone loves their new sleepwear, especially the five Stosich boys when Aunt Jodi announces a new baby on the way- double Hooray!

Head home at 1:00 in the morning.  Dad makes sure girls are snug and nestled into the playhouse, with sugar plum fairies dancing in their heads.   

I slept inside with my best guy, of course, dreaming of happy little girls.

The merriest of nights - a Christmas Eve to remember.

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