Wednesday, October 6, 2010

i'm practically famous

At the encouragement of a good friend of mine, I submitted an essay to the Power Of Moms website. I ended up taking the leap and I submitted one of my past posts.   Anyway, I was excited to hear that they are going to publish my essay this week.  You can check it out here.

The Power of Moms site is a fun place to check out, with tons of ideas and thought provoking articles about motherhood.  I'm all for anything that will be a cheerleader for motherhood.  (I can use all the help I can get!)

Anyway, that pretty much makes me famous. 

Or something like that.


  1. That's SO COOL, Kelly! I'm so glad you submitted it! I know it will be helpful to a lot of mothers!

  2. Kell, congrats again! My mom wanted me to pass on this message to you as well:

    Thanks for sharing Kelly's essay, it was inspiring. What a great person and friend. Tell her congrats for me.

    Remember you post about you not thinking your mini-van would be dirty, or that you would drive a mini-van at all? I think that should be your next submission... loved that one.
