Thursday, October 21, 2010

clampetts storm lake powell, day three

Day three brought a brief respite from the rain.  A little sunshine and everyone was ready to partaaaay!  The kids and Courtney did a little catch and release fishing (is that legal?. . .don't tell the rangers).  Of course, lizard chasing was high on the list, too.
Later in the afternoon, we headed to see some Indian ruins.  My girls had been so excited to see a few "Indian houses".  Especially because we have real, genuine Indian blood running through our veins (betcha didn't know that!).  Basically, we were getting a look at our roots.  Can't you tell by looking at me?

 I'm the real deal.

Defiance house ruins.

A peek at the boats from waaaaay up there.  Grandma stayed behind to watch over everything.  We hadn't hiked very far from her when we heard her yelling, "Hey you guys!  Smile for Grandma!"  She had her camera whipped out and was all ready.  Only problem is that we were still only about 50 feet from her and she was yelling at a different crew way up by the ruins.  We laughed as they kept casting confused glances toward the crazy lady down in the boat.

The girls were obviously feelin' their heritage.

After our great Indian adventure, we returned to camp to settle in for dinner and bedtime.  After a few arm-wrestling rematches (what self respecting 12 year old boy lets their forty year old aunt beat them?), we hustled everyone to bed. 

We were hoping the worst of the storm was behind us.  Ohhhh, boy.  Not long after we got tucked in, the real storm kicked in. 

A few days later, Ronnie summed up our luck.  According to his scientific research, Lake Powell only receives an average of 6 inches per year.  We're pretty darn sure we got at least that much (or so it seemed, anyway) in a matter of about 24 hours. 

But, hey.  We didn't even bat an eye. 

After all, we had our very own, genuine ark.

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