Monday, May 10, 2010

nothing quite like it


After a few days away, the Mister and I returned last night.  We scooped up our girls and drove back to the place we most belong.  Don't get me wrong, I loved being away.  This morning, when I surveyed the reality of facing the grind and all that has to be done today, I wanted to go back.  Back where it's easy.

But just now, I walked past Ryenne's empty (and messy) room, I couldn't help but be glad to be here.  And look forward to this afternoon when her room isn't empty anymore.  When she and Kate come back and my house is once again filled with giggles, footprints, and surely a few quarrels. 

This morning I drove Courtney over to get his truck.  His one short night home must not have been enough.  For when he kissed me goodbye before he headed South again, he cocked his head to one side and said, "When it's all said and done, there's nothing quite like home is there?"

No, not really.  The world holds boundless treasures.  Fantastic adventures.  Amazing sights.  Beautiful and good people. 

But when it's all said and done, there's nothing quite like home.

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