Saturday, April 10, 2010

ryenne's pixie dust party

This year for Ryenne's birthday, I finally joined the ranks. We gave her first real birthday party! She decided on a fairy party, and we staged the whole affair in the play house. The girls were darling and Ryenne had such a fun night.

We decided to start off with a little tea party. The girls loved eating off their tiny little plates and fancy teacups. One of the girls said, "Everything is pink!"

After the tea party, the girls opened presents and then embarked upon building fairy houses. The story goes that if you build a house for the fairies they will come and visit. Once completed, you set your house outside, and you can tell when the fairies have come each time something is removed or changed in the house. The girls used moss, flowers, chestnuts, pinecones, rocks, twigs, tiny birds and butterflies. Each house was different and so fun. A few of them even left little bits of food for the fairies to snack on.

When the night was over and we had finished taking everyone home, Courtney asked Ryenne if the party was a 'smashing success'. She grinned and replied, "It was a triple smashing success!"
Come back anytime, you cute girls!
"Life itself is the greatest fairy tale. . .
all you need is faith, trust,
and a little bit of pixie dust."
-Hans Christian Anderson and Tinkerbell

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