Thursday, February 11, 2010


For the past month or so, I've been hibernating. No spunk. No spice. No cleaning.

As in, I could've slept all day.

I tried blaming it on my thyroid. Maybe it was off. Maybe I should have it checked. After all, wouldn't that make me tired?

I tried to blame it on the weather. The snow. The dreariness of it all. I made a valiant effort to convince Courtney to take me somewhere warm. Very, very valiant. Somewhere with blue skies and sand. I tried very hard. Surely, this would be the thing to pull me out of the winter blues.

But alas, our budget won't accommodate.

Finally, after another day of dragging myself through the motions, I thought to myself "Enough!" As I pondered what I was going to do about myself, I remembered a talk by Elder Uchtdorf (titled, Happiness, Your Heritage) when he counseled us gals to get creative. You know what I thought to myself? Maybe I didn't need Hawaii after all (although it still sounds very nice).

Maybe it was time create a little sunshine of my own.

Only a few days later, and I feel like a different person. Happier me! Happier house! I've done a little rearranging. A little cleaning. (At this pace, it's sure to be clean by the year 2036.) I've even had myself a little fun in the kitchen.
(whipped up a little batch of these cake pops for teacher appreciation week. You should try them too!
. .thanks bakerella for the inspriration!)

I'm off and running. But, as for my favorite guy? Can you guess what all this rejuvenation means for Courtney?

He's the best.

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