Friday, December 11, 2009

thanksgiving 2009

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

This year we were with the C bunch. (Which, I might add, is quite a large bunch!) Everyone but Matt and Kerri's family was able to come, and we all had a great time being together.

Claire was pretty happy about her Turkey Day, despite the fact she threw up most of the day. Despite my best efforts to keep her from eating, every time I turned around she had charmed someone into giving her some grub.

Can you blame them?
After dinner, the boys did some shooting and Grandpa managed a few four wheeler rides with his posse.

Following dinner, Kelsey gathered the kids to play the candy bar game. As you can imagine, it was a hit. Meanwhile, the rest of us parents sat at the table and visited while she did all the work. We're pretty good parents that way.

I loved it when I came around the corner in the kitchen that evening to find Kadin crashed right in the middle of the floor. A good day of cousins, fun, and turkey will do that to you!

Another terrific turkey day!

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