Monday, November 16, 2009

our little weekend "mini-moon"

Last weekend was fun. F-U-N.

Courtney spent the week in Fillmore (Or was it Moab? Or Monticello? Or Blanding? Sorry, I lose track.) By Friday afternoon, us girls (especially this girl) were excited for a few days with Dad. Sometimes Friday can't come soon enough at our house.

Fridays deliver Daddy.

I was eagerly anticipating his arrival when I got a little phone call from him. Seemed he had cooked up a little plan for the weekend. He let me know the girls would be spending the night at Grandpa Lloyd and Grandma Tam's house (bonus for the girls) and we would be going on a "hot date" (bonus for us)!

The girls, of course, were thrilled with the prospect of a sleepover, and I was thrilled about the prospect of spending some time with my favorite guy. It was a win-win situation for everyone!

After dropping the girls off, we drove to Ogden to dinner. Even better because we used a gift certificate to the Timbermine. Gotta love a yummy free dinner. After dinner, we drove downtown to see the fancy schmancy new complex. . .(I don't even know what it's called. And it's really not even new at all, but we don't get out much). Anyway, we had a great time watching people try the "Flowrider" and the "IFly" windtunnel. Beats our normal date routine of dinner + Wal-Mart.

Saturday morning we headed over to Logan for a late breakfast and then to the Temple. We had such a nice day. We were commenting afterward how nice it was to go to the temple without being rushed. Seems every time we go we are running late. We rush to the make a session, rush to try to get dinner, and rush home. It was really nice to take our time!

All in all, a great weekend.

My sister told me a few months ago of a friend who told her that she and her husband try to go on a "mini-moon" once every 3 or 4 months. This way, they can just go somewhere for a few days or even stay at home, so it doesn't have to get very fancy.

We decided that these short little "getaways" are wonderful- and for us, make all the difference. Life is getting pretty busy, and if we're not careful, it seems we hardly have time for each other. I read a quote today by James E. Faust, which read, "Those who enter into marriage should be prepared to establish their marriage as the first priority in their lives." The older and busier our kids get, the more I realize the importance of putting a little bit of extra effort into the two of us.

Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for taking the girls. They had a great time. And thanks to the one and only boy in my life for turning a little ordinary weekend into something special.

I'm convinced. Every one needs a little mini-moon now and again.

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