Thursday, October 8, 2009


Today I am thankful.

I'm thankful for homemade bread, a kitchen sink that works, and a plumber that comes when my handy husband can't.

I'm thankful for autumn, cute pumpkins on my front porch, and a fireplace that makes my home feel cozy.

I'm thankful for a healthy body. For a Mom who steps in to save the day. And girls who love me just because.

I'm thankful for Thursdays, when we know Daddy is only a day away.

I'm thankful for prophets. Prayer. Perspective.

I'm thankful for bedtime. Good dreams. A fresh start.

I'm thankful for a kind husband. A good marriage. Motherhood.

So many, many things.

"Gratitude creates the most wonderful feeling."
President Gordan B. Hinkley

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