Tuesday, October 27, 2009

emmy's excellent adventure

(Miss Jami and Emmy)

Today Emmy had a preschool field trip to a local corn maze. It turned out to be quite an adventure. . .we got lost! Now, I know that's what a corn maze is for, but we got more than a little turned around.

We were just plain lost. What we had were whole lot of preschoolers and mommies with no idea where they were going. Or where they had been! At some point, Daddy called. Emmy and I informed him that if he got home on Friday and we were still missing- he should head straight to the corn maze!

We finally ended up getting ourselves to the edge of the maze that we knew was closest to the parking lot. From there, we decided to cut through the corn (shhhh!) to make our exit. We felt like quite the adventurers, weaving our way through the tall stalks of corn. Emmy kept giggling! When we finally got out of the maze and back into the open air, we were pretty surprised to find out how far we'd gone! We were so far from the parking lot that it was hard to even see it. Emmy looked at me with a scared look and said, "Mom, we are really lost!"

When we finally made it back to the parking lot, Miss Jami had a bonfire, hot dogs, and s'mores waiting. Despite the chilly air, Emmy roasted a hot dog and finished it off with a yummy s'more. What a lovely end to her excellent adventure!

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