Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I found this in my journal the other night. . .

March 26, 2009
"Claire came into our family and into my heart at the right time. I cannot shake the impression that Heavenly Father sent her to me to teach me how to love more fully. What a gift. I love each of the girls so much. They each have a purpose and a lesson for me to
learn. . ."

(Thanks again to Nicole from Pixiedust Photography for her talent. Check out this fun "cake smash" session she did with Claire for her 1st birthday. . .)

I look at Claire lately, so fun and full of life. It's hard to believe it was only a year ago when she made her grand entrance into our lives and hearts. I thank my Heavenly Father every day for the joy she and her sisters have brought into our family.
Like her name "clear and bright", Claire has changed the way I see my world.


  1. claire is such a little doll! ...really she looks like the perfect little porcelain baby. but i love these pictures too, i love the red and shaggy brown teddy bear, you definately always get it right.

  2. Kelly, I think you told me this when I was at your house, but remind me where you got that red dress. I love it.
