Monday, August 17, 2009

old friends

The past few weeks have brought two fun get togethers with some favorite old friends, Darcie and DLonna. First, I got to see Darcie and her girls when they came to see us at my house, and the next week we met at Darcie's house to see DLonna and two of her cute boys, visiting Utah all the way from Texas! I hadn't seen DLonna since I was married!

(I'm just now thinking that the title "old friends" doesn't sound very fitting. Just look at what foxy chicks these gals are. By old, I only mean that we go back a ways.)

These two were part of my fun Ricks College years when I was lucky enough to share an apartment with them and 3 other equally amazing girls. I have always been thoroughly convinced that living in that apartment was simply an answer to a prayer. I have no doubt that Heavenly Father guided me there. I have such fun memories of that year. Although quite a few years have passed, my year with these girls will always stand out as a gift, a "tender mercy" given to me by a loving Heavenly Father. I'd love for all 6 of us to be able to get together someday.

So when I say "old friends" I mean it in the best way.
I guess you could call them "oldies but goodies".Kate, Emmy, and the Boyack girls

1 comment:

  1. Those were a fun couple days! So grateful to have you as a friend Kelly. You are a class act. (and no, your picture isn't much better than mine. :)
