Monday, August 17, 2009

days of 47 parade

To celebrate the Pioneer Day, Grandma C, the girls, and I headed to Salt Lake to watch the Days of 47 Parade. Joining us were Aunt Kerri, Uncle AJ, Aunt Jodi, and cousins. We had a great time, despite the hot, hot sun. We did, however, have a hard time keeping our eyes on the parade due to this fine specimen standing nearby.
The police motorcycle squads are always a favorite.

We were sitting next to a local radio station DJ. He was great with all of our curious kids and even asked if Kate wanted to announce one of the parade entrants. She jumped at the chance, then got a little nervous. He told her he'd give her a minute and let her try again, but forgot. I guess fame is fleeting.
Melting in the sun. . .

Another fun parade.

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