Thursday, April 9, 2009

making it through the drop

At our little elementary school, the day before Spring Break means one thing: the egg drop! The girls have been contemplating a plan for this years egg ever since their failed attempt last year. After throwing around quite literally (quite literally- their Dad usually makes a few pretty good pitches with the test egg) they came to a decision. Insulation. And duck tape, of course.
After all the egg packages are dropped from the airplane, the pilot "wiggles it's wings" and we all wave goodbye. Then comes the moment of anticipation while we wait to see if our little egg survived. . .

Look at that. . .all safe and sound!


  1. This is so cool!!! What a fun experiment for the kids!

    PS: I forgot to tell you one more detail of our conference packets. We also have a bowl of candy sitting next to Dad. If he fill someone is sitting extra reverant, Dad tosses them a piece. We are all about the bribes and hope one day the remember the spirit that they felt not the tummy ache from all the candy.

  2. Congrats! I remember the tragic fate of the egg last year. This is about the most fun thing I've ever heard that an elementary does.

  3. I want to go back to elementary just for this egg drop. Maybe Kaysville can invest in a crop duster for just such occassions. I love reading the funny things your girls are involved in.
