Tuesday, March 17, 2009

what a tricky little guy

Wouldn't you know it? That little leprechaun got us again. I thought we'd gotten by without any of his little tricks this morning. But when I went to get some bread, his mischief was apparent. Green bread? That stinker. We had no choice but to have green french toast.


We were feeling pretty "lucky" that the bread had been the extent of the leprechaun tricks. But, Holy Cow! When I poured the milk into our glasses, it also had a strange, greenish tint. It occured the instant the milk hit the glass! We had to check the jug twice to be sure. But it was definitely white until it hit the glass.

The girls got a little nervous when their feet started turning green. They were pretty sure they could see the color changing. Ryenne was quick to suggest that we call Grandma C and Grandma J to warn them, knowing that they buy their milk at the same place we do. Luckily, we caught them before it was too late.

Seems like those leprechauns can be so sneaky.
Fortunately, everyone's feet are looking a fairly healthy pinkish color this evening. Looks like we were "lucky" after all. We did agree, however, that next year we will need to set a trap. Getting green feet is just too big of a risk to take.
ps. Did you know leprechauns are part of the "fairy family"? I didn't. Ryenne educated me today.


  1. Those Leprechauns! They get trickier every year!

  2. you are such a cute mom, you do something for every holiday. i need to start getting a notebook and writing down everything you do, so i can remember in a few years!
