Friday, February 13, 2009

chapter four

i love my smile (the ones you save for me, that is)

Now, I'm not saying I love my smile on my face. I'm talking about the smile on your face that only I receive. You see, I've learned that you have a smile that you use only on me. (And it's a real cute one too.)

I've never forgotten the first time I learned about this little smiling secret. We were (ahem) about 16ish and 17ish years old, and on a little car ride with your folks. I'm thinking it was to Richfield or somewhere that took a while. Anyway, we stopped at a convenience store and you went inside to pay while I waited outside with some of your family. When you came sauntering out of the store, you looked at me and flashed this wonderful smile. And Alyssa said, "Is that a cute grin or what?" I didn't say it aloud, of course, but I thought to myself, "yes siree, it is cute. And, lucky me- it's mine". That moment is like a little photograph in my mind. I can see you walking out of the store like it was yesterday I hope I can always make you smile like that.

It's true, you know. You may not even know you've gifted me my own smile but I've had a lot of years watching, and I've come to a definite conclusion. You have a nice smile for your parents. You have a delightful way of looking at your girls when they say something funny. You have a really cute little smirk that gives you away when you're telling a fib. You even have an embarrassed grin that you flash to the old ladies in church who tell you how handsome your "locks" are.

But the best smile? You save it for me. It tells me how happy I make you. And it's cute. And I love it.

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