Saturday, September 13, 2008

Look at me. . .no more tubes!

Hi, it's me, Claire! Just checking in to let you see how smart I am. I went to see Dr. Brown yesterday. I knew I would knock his socks off when he saw how great I looked. Sure enough, he was pretty impressed. I'm weighing in at 9 lb., 9 oz. you know, looking healthy as a horse. And to top it all off, when they did my oxygen test, I aced it! I passed with flying colors, which is no surprise really. Yip, I'm a pretty smart baby. But, whew, all this growing is a lot of hard work. . .


  1. I'm so happy Kelly! What a relief to be done with all of that! She is just so beautiful!

  2. Nice work Claire. And I'm so very impressed that you blog already. You ARE smart.
