Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Wise Dad

While on our family reunion, I was in the trailer when I overheard this conversation between Courtney (father of almost 4 girls) and AJ (father of 5 boys). I don't think they knew I was listening, but I had to laugh at Courtney's wisdom. The conversation went something like this:

AJ: Is this your trailer?

Courtney: Oh no, it's C&R's. (chuckle). We're hotel people. When you have four girls, you have to pack up the world.

AJ: (loud laughter). Oh man, I feel sorry for you. You're gonna spend the next 20 years taking care of all those girls.

Courtney: Actually, it's not bad. They're good girls. And someday, they'll take care of me when I need it. (pause.) Unless I really do something stupid and screw up when they're teenagers. (another pause. next sentence spoken to self). And you know, I might not ever even know what I did wrong.

It touched my heart and made me laugh at the same time. What a wise dad. He understands more about us girls than I thought. I love having all girls and feel like our family is just the way it should be. I have at times wondered though, why Heavenly Father has continued to send us girls. I've decided it's because Courtney is so good at dealing with us! Lately, I've watched him with the girls and often thought to myself how he has such a good disposition to live in a home filled with women. He can take all the drama and doesn't get too riled up over it. I've seen that bewildered look that he gets when one of us gets all upset at him over something he doesn't even realize he did. Luckily for us, he just sort of shakes his head and waits for it to blow over. And it always does.

It takes a special kind of guy to be a daddy of girls.

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